Make the world your classroom at Concordia University Ann Arbor! Our Global Education Courses offer international experiential learning opportunities where students put theory into practice while traveling to new countries. There are many courses available, and few are listed below. For a full list, please click here.

Annual summer courses in London

Cap off a great spring semester with a three-week program in the beautiful, historic city of London. Students can choose from Core courses in Social Science and Art. What better way to learn about "Urban Society" than in one of the world’s oldest and largest cities? Where better to study "Twentieth Century Arts and Culture" than to visit world-class museums in one of the world’s most culturally-diverse locations? Click here to sign up or get more information.

January in Israel

Each January, Concordia offers students the chance to walk in the footsteps of Christ while completing their upper division religion elective. Explore Jerusalem, Nazareth, Bethlehem, Jericho, and the Sea of Galilee …just to name a few locations!  Float in the Dead Sea before taking a camel ride through the Negev desert. Walk the streets of Jerusalem and see the Stations of the Cross first-hand. By taking this course, your eyes will be opened to the Bible in ways you could never re-create in the Midwest or anywhere else in the world. Apply or request more info here.

Tropical Ecology- January Cruise

Take BIO 367/368 Ecology of the Tropics the fall semester, and then apply your knowledge while island-hopping in the Caribbean Sea in January! This year’s trip was a cruise to the Panama Canal. During this trip, students stopped at the Everglades and Flamingo Garden in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, tubed down a river in Jamaica, canoed through the mangroves in Cartagena, Columbia, went through the locks of the Panama Canal, took a railway and canal tour of Costa Rica, and swam with dolphins and stingrays in Grand Cayman. Apply or request more info here.

Medieval Philosophy in Cambridge

Great Texts, Great Conversation, Great Britain - Join us in Cambridge for some great philosophy! Rev Gregory Schulz, DMin, PhD, will guide you through the thinking of medieval philosophers such as Anselm, Abelard and Ockham. Then there will be day trips to Canterbury (Anselm), Bath (Adelard) and Oxford (Duns Scotus and William of Ockham). There are many medieval manuscript collections in Cambridge to visit as well as local sites to give you an idea of life in medieval times (e.g. West Stow Anglo Saxon village, Lavenham (one of the best preserved medieval villages in England) Ely cathedral, and Longthorpe Hall (for medieval wall paintings), all hosted by the great folks at Westfield House. Click here for more information.

Art & Culture in Italy!

Art in Italy is a travel study course which engages students in fundamental studio activities (painting and drawing) along with a study of art history and the culture of Italy. We will be staying in the charming town of Corciano in central Italy, surrounded by Medieval-era castles and architecture and rolling countryside vineyards- enough to inspire the artist in anyone! This course is designed to meet the 3-credit Fine Art or Culture requirement for undergraduate students. No art background necessary. In addition to painting and drawing, we will explore Italian cultural studies, including language study and the history of the Italian Renaissance. Approximately two weeks will be spent in Italy. Click here to learn more.

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